Friday, December 31, 2010

Pinching Pennies & Giving Away Freebies

So what does a Stay @ Home Momma do? The answer is simple. Somedays I do EVERYTHING. Somedays I do NOTHING. I love my job, I love being Mya's mommy. I love getting to spend absolutely every moment I can basking in her joyfullness, the simple wonders of childhood.

I don't love being broke ALL. THE. TIME! It really stinks having to pinch pennies, sacrifice WANTS, & staying at home all the time because we can't afford to go out. Not in every sense of the word, we are far from poor, but I like to think being conservative & saving money is more beneficial to Mya's future than sqaundering every extra penny we get on *wants*. Our wants of course, Mommy and Daddy's... Mya gets everything she wants & then some. She is one spoiled little girl!

But I wouldn't trade being a stay @ home momma to Mya for anything in the world. Its okay with me that we don't have tons of extra money. I can't get back Mya's first 5 years at any cost. I am 100% against daycare. I can't, won't, never could do it. Not that there is anything wrong with it, its a personal decision and everyone has different wants and needs. Mine just happens to be being with Mya as much as I can. I am her mom, I don't want her away from me for 8+ hours a day. I realize some people aren't as fortunate and don't have a choice, but as long as I am able I will continue loving my job as being Mya's momma.

Stay at home momma's have to come up with SOME way to make a little extra money. Making bows, crafts, painting. We all do it! I love making bows, bows and more bows. Especially since we don't leave the house without one (or 2) in Miss Priss' hair.

So here's the deal. I want to get some people to reading my blog. In exchange I will do some GIVEAWAYS :). Freebies, freebies, and MORE FREEBIES! Who doesn't like something free? I know I sure love a deal.

So follow the blog, answer this question in a comment, and leave the rest to me! I will randomly select a winner for the following FREEBIE!


1 comment:

  1. My new years resolution is to be the best mom I can be. Not to miss any moments w.them. <3

    That outfit is too cute! My daughter would LOVE it!
